Beyond Handshakes: Building Rapport in a Virtual Professional World

Handshake image on a smartphone - Beyond Handshakes: Building Rapport in a Virtual Professional World

For the entrepreneur especially with a boundary-less business or the career professional handling local, national, or global teams, the rise of remote work and virtual interactions has redefined the landscape of building rapport.

Don’t let geographical distance or technology fears deter you from developing good screen etiquette and facilitation skills as a catalyst for positive human interactions. Using these tips as reminders, you can cultivate strong connections even in the digital realm with a few conscious tweaks.

Master the Virtual Meeting Space

Technology can be your ally or your enemy. Familiarize yourself with video conferencing platforms, learn to utilize features like breakout rooms and polls, and ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to participate. Create a virtual space that feels inviting and accessible, fostering a sense of shared presence even through a screen.

PRO TIPS: Be mindful of your background. Even if your office is in a kitchen or bedroom, blur it or use a more professional looking atmosphere. To avoid “talking heads”, make sure you are visible to your audience from the shoulders up. Dress appropriately too. Remember to engage with eye contact and SMILE to send good vibrations!

Embrace Active Listening,Virtually

Nonverbal cues become more nuanced online. Be extra attentive to tone of voice, word choice, and pauses. Use virtual tools like emojis and reactions to show engagement and acknowledge contributions. Pay attention to chat messages and respond promptly, ensuring everyone feels heard and valued.

If monitoring chat and being the host to a group is too taxing, assign another person to assist in alerting you as to questions or comments to be acknowledged and discussed.

Leverage Shared Experiences

Creating virtual watercooler moments, scheduling social calls, hosting team games, and celebrating milestones together can help foster a sense of community beyond work-related tasks and build camaraderie. Encourage informal chats and light-hearted conversations to make online interactions less transactional. No one wants to feel trapped in a silo (or a cubicle).

We spend most of our waking hours with our staff, team, or co-workers. Creating a true sense of belonging means being open to celebrating life’s milestones as well as the business ones. It will support stronger bonds of loyalty, creativity, and innovation later. Often, that 6 degrees of separation is reduced to 2 with this approach.

Personalize Your Approach

While online communications might feel impersonal, go the extra mile to demonstrate individual attention. Remember birthdays, honor achievements, and offer virtual congratulations or condolences when appropriate. Show genuine interest in colleagues’ lives outside of work, further fostering a sense of connection on a more granular level.

We bring our whole selves to our business or jobs. It’s exhausting to confine our personal sides to a box so not to compromise the professional mask. Give up your armour as shields for protection or deflection of feeling lesser than in any way. Leading with that example will encourage others to do the same.

Define what types of things are welcome to be shared. Clarity is key for the individual to give themselves permission to be human without a feared consequence.

Embrace Vulnerability and Empathy

Technology can create an illusion of distance but don’t shy away from showing your human side (again!). Acknowledge challenges, express gratitude, and be open about your own experiences. Virtual vulnerability can foster genuine connections and encourage others to do the same, creating a supportive and collaborative environment.

Bots and AI humans are still inanimate things not intended to perfectly replace or nurture a warm and fuzzy mutual relationship.

Building rapport in a virtual world requires intentionality and adaptation. By mastering these strategies and investing in creating an engaged online workspace, you can bridge the digital divide and cultivate meaningful relationships even without face-to-face interaction.

Remember, whether online or offline, building rapport is an ongoing journey. The effort you invest in connecting with others will reap rewards in the form of stronger relationships, smoother collaborations, and a more rewarding professional (and human) experience.

Your Guide to FOCUS Forward,


P.S. Welcome new subscribers! Hope this gave you some valuable insights. Until next week, keep growing and leading with authentic rapport building actions!


“Rapport is the ultimate tool for producing results with other people. No matter what you want in your life, if you can develop rapport with the right people, you will be able to fill their needs, and they will be able to fill yours.”  – Tony Robbins

“The best way to establish rapport with people and to win them over to your side is to be truly interested in them, to listen with the intention of truly learning about them. When the people feels you are really interested in getting to know them and their feelings, they will open up to you and share their true feelings with you much more quickly.” – Jack Canfield

“A teacher who establishes rapport with the taught, becomes one of them, learns more from them than he teaches them. He who learns nothing from his disciples is, in my opinion, worthless. Whenever I talk to someone, I learn from him. I take from him more then I give him.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“As soon as the dialogue between two people touches on something fundamental, essential, numinous, and a certain rapport is felt, it gives rise to a phenomenon with Levy-Bruhl called Participation Mystique. It is an unconscious identity in which two individual psychic spheres interpenetrate to such a degree that it is impossible to say what belongs to whom.” – Carl Jung

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About Donna

Donna J. Spina PCC, CPC, ELI-MP, is an ICF-credentialed coach and founder of Coaching InDeed Inc. and FOCUSED Leaders Coaching Newsletter. She specializes in preventing entrepreneur burnout and helping corporate executives thrive.

Using a holistic, creative approach, Donna helps leaders develop human-centric communication skills and a perceptive mindset. Her clients include analytical thinkers, solopreneurs, micro-business owners, and corporate executives facing challenges like overwork, lack of recognition, revenue or income ceilings.

Donna’s coaching FOCUSES on:

– Enhancing self-awareness and belief

– Crushing self-sabotaging mindsets

– Discovering unique value propositions

– Redesigning leadership styles

– Overcoming blind spots

– Creating customized business strategies

– Effective, empathetic, and trust based communication and self-talk

– Discovering your Personal Legend for Professional Branding

Her goal is to align personal values with organizational objectives, fostering dynamic, compassionate leadership. Drawing from her own life’s hardships and business experiences, Donna guides clients to become bolder, braver, and more FOCUSED leaders.

Let’s Connect!

(610) 212-9823